Vernal Pool Ecology
Interested in knowing more about the life history of animals that use vernal pools and how vernal pools and different from other wetlands?Key concepts in vernal pool ecology, including, information about each indicator species and their year-round habitat requirements, and why this information necessitates creative conservation solutions to supplement Maine’s new Significant Vernal Pool regulations.
Pools of Life – Wildlife
Learn about the basic ecology of pool breeding amphibians common in Maine: the Wood Frog, Spotted Salamander, Blue spotted Salamander Complex, and fairy shrimp. Wetland ecologist Aram Calhoun takes you on a tour of a vernal pool.
Maximum Recorded Travel Distances for Adult Vernal Pool Breeding Amphibians
Each species of vernal pool breeding amphibian has a different life history but all leave the pool after breeding and travel, sometimes very long distances, to reach their habitats for feeding, resting, and lastly, overwintering. This diagram shows the impressive distances that adult amphibians move to find habitat crucial to meet their year-round needs.
Timing for Maine Vernal Pool Surveys
This map and schematic were created to anticipate when surveys should be conducted around the State. They are guidelines based upon data from previous years and seasonal variation should always be considered.

Conserving Maine’s Significant Wildlife Habitat Fact Sheet
An information bulletin produced by Maine Audubon, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, and Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Insider Article
Written by MDIFW biologist Dr. Phillip deMaynadier, this article appeared in a Special Legislative Edition of the IF&W Insider February 2011.