Conservation Planning and Citizen Science
LeClair, G., Chatfield, M.W., Wood, Z., Parmelee, J. and Frederick, C.A., 2021. Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on amphibian road mortality.
Mushet, D.M., and Calhoun, A.J.K., 2020.Wetland conservation in the United States: a swinging pendulum. Pages 162-171 in Delgado, J., (ed) Soil and Water Conservation: A Celebration of 75 Years. Soil and Water Conservation Society Special Publication.
Jansujwicz, J.S., Calhoun, A.J.K., Bieluch, K.H. et al. 2020. Localism “Reimagined”: Building a Robust Localist Paradigm for Overcoming Emerging Conservation Challenges. Environmental Management. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-020-01392-4.
Winiarski, KJ, Peterman, WE, Whiteley, AR, McGarigal, K. Multiscale resistant kernel surfaces derived from inferred gene flow: An application with vernal pool breeding salamanders. Mol Ecol Resour. 2020; 20: 97– 113. https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.13089
Boix, D., Calhoun, A.J., Mushet, D.M., Bell, K.P., Fitzsimons, J.A. and Isselin-Nondedeu, F., 2019. Conservation of temporary wetlands.
Eakin, C.J., Calhoun, A.J. and Hunter Jr, M.L., 2019. Effects of suburbanizing landscapes on reproductive effort of vernal pool-breeding amphibians. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 14(2), pp.515-532.
Homola, J. J., Loftin, C. S., & Kinnison, M. T., 2019. Landscape genetics reveals unique and shared effects of urbanization for two sympatric pool‐breeding amphibians. Ecology and evolution, 9(20), 11799-11823.
Buchanan, S. W., Buffum, B., & Karraker, N. E. 2017. Responses of a spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata) population to creation of early-successional habitat. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 12(3), 688-700.
Calhoun, A. J. K., David M. Mushet, Laurie C. Alexander, Edward S. DeKeyser, Laurie Fowler, Charles R. Lane, Megan W. Lang, Mark C. Rains, Stephen C. Richter, Susan C. Walls. 2017. The significant surface-water connectivity of “geographically isolated wetlands”. Wetlands.
Floress, Kristin, Mary Beth Kolozsvary, and Jean Mangun, 2017. Expert Perceptions of Approaches to Protect- ing Isolated Wetlands in the Northeastern United States. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 53(5):1048-1061.
Creed, I.F., C.R. Lane, J.N. Serran, L.C. Alexander, N.B. Basu, A.J.K. Calhoun, J.R. Christensen et al. 2017. Enhancing protection for vulnerable waters. Nature geoscience, 10(11), pp.809-815.
Calhoun, A.J.K., D.M. Mushet, K.P. Bell, D. Boix, J.A. Fitzsimons, F. Isselin-Nondedeu. 2017. Temporary wetlands: challenges and solutions to conserving a ‘disappearing’ecosystem. Biological conservation, 211, pp.3-11.
Floress, K., Kolozsvary, M.B. and Mangun, J., 2017. Expert Perceptions of Approaches to Protecting Isolated Wetlands in the Northeastern United States. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 53(5), pp.1048-1061.
Levesque, V., A.J.K. Calhoun, and K.P. Bell. 2016. Turning contention into collaboration: Engaging power, trust, and learning in collaborative networks. Society and Natural Resources.
Levesque, V.R., K.P. Bell, and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2016. Planning for sustainability in small municipalities: The influence of interest groups, growth patterns, and institutional characteristics. Journal of Planning Education and Research.
McGreavy, B., A. J. K. Calhoun, J. Jansujwicz and V. Levesque. 2016. Citizen science and natural resource governance: program design for vernal pool policy innovation. Ecology and Society 21 (2):48. URL:
McGreavy, B., A. J. K. Calhoun, J. Jansujwicz, and V. Levesque. 2016. Citizen science and natural resource governance: program
design for vernal pool policy innovation. Ecology and Society 21(2):48.
Quesnelle, P.E., K.E. Lindsay, and L. Fahrig. 2015. Relative effects of landscape-scale wetland amount and landscape matrix quality on wetland vertebrates: a meta-analysis. Ecological Society of America. 25.3:812–825
Mushet, D.M., A.J.K. Calhoun, L.C. Alexander, M.J. Cohen, E.S. DeKeyser, L. Fowler, C.R. Lane, M.W. Lang, M.C. Rains, and S.C. Walls. 2015. Geographically isolated wetlands: rethinking a misnomer. Wetlands. 35.3:423-431.
Calhoun A. J. K., Jessica S. Jansujwicz, Kathleen P. Bellb, and Malcolm L. Hunter, Jr. 2014. Improving management of small natural features on private lands by negotiating the science–policy boundary for Maine vernal pools. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
Capps, K.A., R. Rancatti, N. Tomczyk, T.B. Parr, A.J.K. Calhoun, and M.L. Hunter Jr. 2014. Biogeochemical hotspots in forested landscapes: The role of vernal pools in denitrification and organic matter processing. Ecosystems 17.8:1455-1468.
Jansujwica, J., A. Calhoun, J. Leahy, and R. Lilieholm. 2013. Using mixed methods to develop a frame-based private landowner typology. Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal. 26:8, 945-961, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2012.729294.
Gabrielsen, C.G., A.I. Kovach, K.J. Babbitt, and W.H. McDowell. 2013. Limited effects of suburbanization on the genetic structure of an abundant vernal pool-breeding amphibian. Conservation Genetics. 14.5:1083-1097.
Pittman, S. E., and R. D. Semlitsch. 2013. Habitat type and distance to edge affect movement behavior of juvenile pond‐breeding salamanders. Journal of Zoology. 291.2:154-162.
Pittman, S. E., and R. D. Semlitsch. 2013. Habitat type and distance to edge affect movement behavior of juvenile pond‐breeding salamanders. Journal of Zoology. 291.2:154-162.
Green, A.W., M.B. Hooten, E.H. Campbell Grant, and L.L. Bailey. 2013. Evaluating breeding and metamorph occupancy and vernal pool management effects for wood frogs using a hierarchical model. Journal of Applied Ecology. 50.5:1116-1123.
Jansujwicz, J.S., A.J.K. Calhoun, and Robert J. Lilieholm. 2013. The Maine vernal pool mapping and assessment program: engaging municipal officials and private landowners in community-based citizen science. Environmental Management. 52.6:1369-1385.
Jansujwicz, J.S., A.J.K. Calhoun, J.E. Leahy, and R.J. Lilieholm. 2013. Using mixed methods to develop a frame-based private landowner typology. Society & Natural Resources. 26.8:945-961.
Shearin, A.F. 2012. Influence of landscape arrangement and wetland condition on breeding dynamics of Ambystoma maculatum (spotted salamander) in Maine, USA. Diss. The University of Maine.
McGreavy, B., T. Webler, and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2012. Local decision maker attitudes to vernal pool conservation in Maine. Journal of Environmental Management 95:1-8.
Freeman, R.C., K.P. Bell, A.J.K. Calhoun, and C.S. Loftin. 2012. Incorporating economic models into vernal pool conservation planning: Using local land use regulations to enhance state regulations. Wetlands 32:509-520.
Freeman, R.C., K.P. Bell, A.J.K. Calhoun, and C.S. Loftin. 2012. Incorporating economic models into seasonal pool conservation planning. Wetlands. 32.3:509-520.
Morgan, D.E., and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2011. The Maine municipal guide to mapping and conserving vernal pools. University of Maine, Sustainability Solutions Initiative, Orono, ME.
Hart, D.D. and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2010. Rethinking the role of ecological research in the sustainable management of freshwater ecosystems. Freshwater Biology 55:258-269.
Bauer, D.M., P.W.C. Paton, and S.K. Swallow. 2010. Are wetland regulations cost effective for species protection? A case study of amphibian metapopulations. Ecological Society of America. 20.3:798-815.
Jansujwicz, J.S., and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2010. Protecting natural resources on private lands: the role of collaboration in land-use planning. Landscape-scale conservation planning. Springer Netherlands. 205-233.
Baldwin, R., and P.G. deMaynadier. 2009. Assessing threats to pool-breeding amphibian habitat in an urbanizing landscape. Biological Conservation. 142:1628-1638.
Veysey, J.S., K.J. Babbitt, and A. Cooper. 2009. An experimental assessment of buffer width: Implications for salamander migratory behavior. Biological Conservation. 142:2227-2239.
Calhoun, A.J.K. and P. Reilly. 2008. Conserving vernal pool habitat through community based conservation. In: Calhoun, A.J.K. and P.G. deMaynadier (eds). Science and conservation of vernal pools in northeastern North America. CRC Press.
Beaudry, F., P.G. deMaynadier, and M.L. Hunter Jr. 2008. Identifying road mortality threat at multiple spatial scales for semi-aquatic turtles. Biological Conservation 141: 2550-2563.
McGarigal, K., B. W. Compton, and L. Gamble. 2008. Marbled Salamander Plan for Massachusetts. UMass, Amherst.
Oscarson, D., and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2007. Developing vernal pool conservation plans at the local level using citizen scientists. Wetlands 27:80-95.
Densmore, C.L., and D.E. Green. 2007. Diseases of amphibians. Ilar Journal. 48.3:235-254.
Patrick, D., M.L. Hunter, and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2006. Effects of experimental forestry treatments on a Maine Amphibian Community. Forest Ecology and Management 234:323-332.
Baldwin, R., A.J.K. Calhoun, and P.G. deMaynadier. 2006. Conservation planning for amphibian species with complex habitat requirements: a case study using movements and habitat selection of the wood frog (Rana sylvatica). Journal of Herpetology 40:443-454.
Calhoun, A.J.K., N. Miller, and M. W. Klemens. 2005. Conservation strategies for pool-breeding amphibians in human-dominated landscapes. Wetlands Ecology and Management 13:291-304.
Calhoun, A.J.K. and M.W. Klemens. 2002. Best development practices for pool-breeding amphibians in commercial and residential developments. Wildlife Conservation Society Technical Paper #5. Rye, New York.
Calhoun, A.J.K. and P. deMaynadier. 2002. Forestry habitat management guidelines for vernal pool wildlife in Maine. Wildlife Conservation Society Technical Paper #6. Rye, New York.
Gibbs, J.P. 2000. Wetland loss and biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology 14:314-317.
Ecology, Hydrology, and Biogeochemistry
LeClair, Greg, 2022. Maine Big Night 2022 Report.
LeClair, Greg, 2021. Maine Big Night 2021 Report.
Moldowan, P.D., Tattersall, G.J. and Rollinson, N., 2021. Climate‐associated decline of body condition in a fossorial salamander. Global Change Biology.
Cartwright, J., Morelli, T.L. and Campbell Grant, E.H., 2021. Identifying climate‐resistant vernal pools: hydrologic refugia for amphibian reproduction under droughts and climate change. Ecohydrology, p.e2354.
Mihelcic, James R. and Rains, Mark, 2020. Where’s the Science? Recent Changes to Clean Water Act Threaten Wetlands and Thousands of Miles of Our Nation’s Rivers and Streams. School of Geosciences Faculty and Staff Publications. 2276. https://digitalcommons.usf.
Faccio, S.D., Buckman, K.L., Lloyd, J.D., Curtis, A.N. and Taylor, V.F., 2019. Bioaccumulation of methylmercury in wood frogs and spotted salamanders in Vermont vernal pools. Ecotoxicology, 28(7), pp.717-731.
Eakin, C., Calhoun, A.J. and Hunter Jr, M.L., 2019. Indicators of wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) condition in a suburbanizing landscape. Ecosphere, 10(9), p.e02789.
Eakin, C.J., Hunter, M.L. and Calhoun, A.J., 2019. The influence of land cover and within-pool characteristics on larval, froglet, and adult wood frogs along a rural to suburban gradient. Urban Ecosystems, 22(3), pp.493-505.
Homola, J. J., Loftin, C. S., Cammen, K. M., Helbing, C. C., Birol, I., Schultz, T. F., & Kinnison, M. T., 2019. Replicated Landscape Genomics Identifies Evidence of Local Adaptation to Urbanization in Wood Frogs. Journal of Heredity, 110(6), 707-719.
Buchanan, S. W., Buffum, B. , Puggioni, G. and Karraker, N. E., 2019, Occupancy of freshwater turtles across a gradient of altered landscapes. Jour. Wild. Mgmt., 83: 435-445. doi: 10.1002/jwmg.21596.
Eakin, C.J., Hunter, M.L. and Calhoun, A.J., 2018. Bird and mammal use of vernal pools along an urban development gradient. Urban Ecosystems, 21(6), pp.1029-1041.
Kifner, L.H., A.J.K. Calhoun, S.A. Norton, K.E. Hoffmann, A. Amirbahman. 2018. Methane and carbon dioxide dynamics within four vernal pools in Maine, USA. Biogeochemistry: 139, no. 3 (2018): 275-291.
Eakin, C.J., M.L. Hunter, A.J.K. Calhoun, 2018. Bird and mammal use of vernal pools along an urban development gradient. Urban ecosystems, 21(6), pp.1029-1041.
Calhoun, A.J.K., D.M. Mushet, L.C. Alexander, E.S. DeKeyser, L. Fowler, C.R. Lane, M.W. Lang, M.C. Rains, S.C. Richter, S.C. Walls, 2017. The significant surface-water connectivity of “geographically isolated wetlands”. Wetlands, 37(4), pp.801-806.
Cohen, M.J., I.F. Creed, L. Alexander, N.B. Basu, A.J.K. Calhoun, et al. 2016. Do geographically isolated wetlands influence landscape functions? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113:1978-1986.
Rains, M.C., Leibowitz, S.G., Cohen, M. J., Creed, I.F., Golden, H.E., Jawitz, J.W., Kalla, P., Lane, C. R., Lang, M.W., McLaughlin, D.L., 2016. Geographically isolated wetlands are part of the hydrological landscape. Hydrological processes: Hydrol. Process. 30, 153–160.
Holgerson, M.A. 2015. Drivers of carbon dioxide and methane supersaturation in small, temporary ponds. Biogeochemistry. 1-14.
Golden, H.E., C.R. Lane, D.M. Amatya, K.W. Bandilla, H.R. Kiperwas, C.D. Knightes, and H. Ssegane. 2014. Hydrologic connectivity between geographically isolated wetlands and surface water systems: a review of select modeling methods. Environmental Modelling & Software. 53:190-206.
Calhoun, A.J.K., J.S. Jansujwicz, K.P. Bell, and M.L. Hunter. 2014. Improving management of small natural features on private lands by negotiating the science–policy boundary for Maine vernal pools. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 111.30:11002-11006.
Cline, B.B., and M.L. Hunter Jr. 2014. Different open‐canopy vegetation types affect matrix permeability for a dispersing forest amphibian. Journal of Applied Ecology. 51.2:319-329.
Ryan, K.J., and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2014. Postbreeding Habitat Use of the Rare, Pure-Diploid Blue-spotted Salamander (Ambystoma laterale). Journal of Herpetology. 48.4:556-566.
McLaughlin, D.L., D.A. Kaplan, and M.J. Cohen. 2014. A significant nexus: Geographically isolated wetlands influence landscape hydrology. Water Resources Research. 50.9:7153-7166.
Saarikivi, J., T. Knopp, A. Granroth, and J. Merilä. 2013. The role of golf courses in maintaining genetic connectivity between common frog (Rana temporaria) populations in an urban setting. Conservation Genetics. 14.5:1057-1064.
Belasen, A., E. Burkett, A. Injaian, K. Li, D. Allen, and I. Perfecto. 2013. Effect of Sub-Canopy on Habitat Selection in the Blue-spotted Salamander (Ambystoma laterale-jeffersonianum unisexual complex). Copeia. 2013(2):254-261.
Popescu, D., M.L. Hunter, D. Patrick, and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2012. Predicting the response of amphibian communities to disturbance across multiple temporal and spatial scales. Forest Ecology and Management 270:163-174.
Gahl, M.K., and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2010. The role of multiple stressors in ranavirus-caused amphibian mortalities in Acadia National Park wetlands. Canadian Journal of Zoology 88:108-121.
Beaudry, F., P.G. deMaynadier, and M.L. Hunter Jr. 2009. Seasonally dynamic habitat use by spotted and blandings turtles in Maine. Journal of Herpetology. 43:636-645.
Patrick, D.A., A.J.K Calhoun, and M.L. Hunter. 2008. The importance of understanding spatial population structure when evaluating the effects of silviculture on spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum). Biological Conservation 141:807-814.
Windmiller, B., R.N. Homan, J.V. Regosin, L.A. Willitts, D.L. Wells, and J.M. Reed. 2008. Breeding amphibian population declines following loss of upland forest habitat around vernal pools in Massachusetts, USA. In: Mitchell, R.E., J. Brown, and B. Bartholomew (eds). Urban Herpetology. Herpetological Conservation.
Baldwin, R, A.J.K. Calhoun, and P.G. deMaynadier. 2006. The significance of hydroperiod and stand maturity for pool-breeding amphibians in forested landscapes. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 84:1604-1615.
Faccio, S. D. 2003. Postbreeding emigration and habitat use by Jefferson and spotted salamanders in Vermont. Journal of Herpetology 39:479-489.
Paton, P.W. and W.B. Crouch III. 2002. Using the phenology of pond-breeding amphibians to develop conservation strategies. Conservation Biology 16:194-204.
Joyal, L.A., M. McCollough, and M.L. Hunter Jr. 2001. Landscape ecology approaches to wetland species conservation: a case study for two turtle species in southern Maine. Conservation Biology15:1755-1762.
Vernal Pool Mitigation
Calhoun, A.J.K, J. Arrigoni, R.P. Brooks, M.L. Hunter, and S.C. Richter. 2014. Creating successful vernal pools: A literature review and advice for practitioners. Wetlands. 34.5:1027-1038.
Korfel, C.A., W. J. Mitsch, T.E. Hetherington, and J.J. Mack. 2010. Hydrology, physiochemistry, and amphibians in natural and created vernal pool wetlands. Restoration Ecology 16:843–854.
Windmiller, B., and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2008. Conserving vernal pool wildlife in urbanizing landscapes. In: Calhoun, AJK and P.G. deMaynadier (eds). Science and conservation of vernal pools in northeastern North America. CRC Press.
Vasconcelos, D., and A.J.K. Calhoun. 2004. Movement patterns of adult and juvenile wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) and spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) in three restored vernal pools. Journal of Herpetology 38:551-561.
Calhoun, A.J.K., T. Walls, M. McCollough, and S. Stockwell. 2003. Developing conservation strategies for vernal pools: a Maine case study. Wetlands 23:70-81.
Calhoun, A.J.K. and M.W. Klemens. 2002. Best development practices for pool-breeding amphibians in commercial and residential developments. Wildlife Conservation Society Technical Paper #5. Rye, New York.
Recommended Books and Videos
Calhoun, A.J.K. and P.G. deMaynadier. 2008. Science and Conservation of Vernal Pools in Northeastern North America. CRC Press, Boca Rotan, FL, USA.
Colburn, E. A. 2004. Vernal Pools: Natural History and Conservation. McDonald & Woodward, Blacksburg, VA.
Hunter, M.L. Jr., A.J.K Calhoun, M. McCollough, (eds.) 1999.
Maine Amphibians and Reptiles. University of Maine Press, Orono, ME. 252 pp.
Kenney, L. P., and Burne, M. R. 2000. A Field Guide to the Animals of Vernal Pools.Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program. Westborough, MA.
Pools of Life – Wildlife
Learn about the basic ecology of pool breeding amphibians common in Maine: the Wood Frog, Spotted Salamander, Blue spotted Salamander Complex, and fairy shrimp. Wetland ecologist Aram Calhoun takes you on a tour of a vernal pool.
Pools of Life – People and Planning
Learn about the origin and goals of Maine’s vernal pool regulations from state agency personnel involved in its development and about the citizen-based Maine Vernal Pool Assessment and Mapping Program.
Pools of Life – Forestry
Learn about forestry habitat management guidelines for vernal pools from University of Maine forestry professionals, foresters, and loggers. See a logging operation around a vernal pool.
Rattlers, Peepers & Snappers; A Complete DVD Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles That Breed in New England
Between Land & Water: life stories of CT amphibians